The Road to Jerusalem

Following Jesus is a demanding business especially if we are to take it seriously.  It involves taking the road to Jerusalem, along with Jesus himself.  Jerusalem is the city where Jesus suffered, died and rose to new life.  It is a place of sacrifice and reward, of pain and joy, of failure and triumph, of agony and ecstasy.  It represents the Christian life.  But what does taking the road to Jerusalem actually mean in practice?

It means that we refuse to build our lives around material possessions.  Material possessions have their place but they must be kept in their place.  It is our relationship with God that is the true source of our satisfaction and security not what we own.  Our relationship with God cannot be destroyed. It is eternal.

It means that we stop living in the past.  Dwelling on old memories and hurts keeps us tied to the past and trapped in a prison of regret and anger.  It belongs to the Christian to hope. Jesus is leading us forward in hope to a better and brighter future.  In Jerusalem the tomb is empty.

It means that we stop making excuses for ourselves and for our lack of ability and talent.  Of course we are limited; yes we have weaknesses.  The Christian community is full of misfits!  The people Jesus chose to bring his good news to the world were a pretty motley bunch!  Jesus is not looking for perfection; neither does he expect us to be geniuses. All he seeks is our generosity and enthusiasm.  What Jesus wants is what we call heart. Heart is the kind of thing that on the sports field often makes the difference between failure and success.

Finally, it means that when it comes to making choices we put the cause of Jesus, the mission of Jesus, the work of Jesus, first.  In the way we choose to live our lives the values of Jesus, known as Kingdom values, must come before earthly values.

During Lent our Christian lives take on a greater urgency.  It is the time when we are invited to travel with Jesus on the road to Jerusalem.

Three Things that Matter

It is no secret that the religion of Jesus can be summed up in the word love.  In his Sermon on the Mount, he focuses on three things which could be described as a practical programme to help us grow in love.  These are the three things the Christian Churches invite its members to practise in earnest each year during the season of Lent.  They could be described as the non-negotiable essentials of the Christian religion.  They are prayer, almsgiving and fasting.   

“When you pray, go to your private room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is in that secret place” (Matt 6:6).  What a beautiful and accessible description of the activity of prayer.  Spend time on your own with your Father. During this time thank him for his active presence in your life and for looking after you.  Talk to him in a personal way about what is happening in your inner and outer world.  Ask him for the things you need, especially the things you need to help you develop a loving heart.  And, perhaps most importantly of all, hear him tell you that he loves you unconditionally, as you are.  For Jesus prayer is nothing more and nothing less than our personal act of surrender to the Father, to the Father’s love, to his help, to his healing.   

Perhaps the thing we most associate with Lent is fasting.  Jesus understood the value of fasting and promoted it in his teaching.  He knew there is a tendency in human nature towards attachment and addiction that is not healthy and balanced. Jesus wants us to keep our hearts mellow and grateful.  To keep our hearts mellow and grateful it is not enough to give up things like sweets and alcohol. We need to control our desire for possessions, power and popularity. As Jesus himself discovered during his retreat in the desert these are potent demons in the human heart that need to be tamed. Fasting is unfashionable today.  Yet never has it been so necessary.  In the so-called first world which is mainly nominally Christian we are now the most indebted, obese, addicted and medicated generation in history.  Jesus’ teaching on fasting has the power to improve our health, our relationships and our environment.   

The third thing the Lenten season invites us to practise is almsgiving.  Jesus insisted that we care for those in need and that we do this without looking for a reward. We can look at almsgiving in the specific sense of offering practical help to those who are hungry or homeless or without clothes. But we also need to look at it in the much broader sense of our attitude to life.  Our lives are not just about ourselves and our own needs.  Our lives are for others too.  When we serve others, we are making a difference to their lives. We are also making a difference to our own.  It is a truth that unless and until we give our lives away to others, we do not have them ourselves at any deep level. 

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are certainly three things that matter.

Lent’s Invitation

Whether we are aware of it or not there is a huge hole inside of each of us that we are constantly trying to fill, often without success.  This hole has a major influence on the way we live our lives.  Our problem is we try to fill this hole with the wrong things.  We think that things like possessions and work and popularity will take away our inner ache and satisfy our longing for happiness.  The truth is they don’t.  Accumulation, achievement and our need for the approval of others cannot fill our empty hole.  To believe otherwise is an illusion and a false philosophy.  We human beings have a terrible habit of looking for happiness in the wrong places.

The hole inside of us can only be filled by love.  It is love, in fact it is unconditional love, that takes away our inner restlessness.  This is why God is the only one who can fill our empty hole.  Only God is unconditional love.  God loves without requirements and without restrictions.  To let ourselves be loved as we are by God is the only way to satisfy the yearning in our hearts. 

To let myself be loved unconditionally by God is to know that I am enough.  When I am able to say, ‘I am enough’ I am able to say, ‘I have enough.’  If I am not able to say, ‘I am enough’ I will continue to want more.  I will want more and more possessions, information, success, recognition, approval, power. To be able to say, ‘I have enough’ is a sign that I am filling my inner hole with the right kind of love.

Of course the culture we live in today does not make it easy for us to say, ‘I have enough.’  Our culture is driven by capitalist and consumerist philosophies; by making money and spending money.  It is notable how often we are referred to in the media as consumers.  Our culture is also driven by a work ethic that has us measure our worth by what we do, by our achievements and successes.  Then there is the impact of social media sites like Facebook that feed our desire for attention and the approval of others.  There are powerful forces at work in our lives that want us to fill the hole we have inside with the wrong things.  It takes a lot of self-awareness to recognise these forces and much courage to say ‘no’ to them. 

There are two ways to fill the hole we have inside.  One works, the other doesn’t. Lent invites us to make the right choice.

Lent Matters

On Ash Wednesday the annual Christian fasting season, known as Lent, begins.  Most world religions have an annual fasting season.  The Christian one lasts for forty days and significantly coincides with spring.  There are many reasons why it is good for Christians to have the fasting season of Lent.  Here are a few.

Lent offers us an opportunity to start again, to make a new beginning.  Failing and falling are part of the human condition.  In the Christian view of life, failing and falling should never be a cause for despondency or despair.  The God of Jesus is a God of abundant mercy and radical forgiveness, a God who wipes out past failures and invites us to make a fresh start.  We should never be reluctant to begin again.  Indeed, our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail. New beginnings are a necessary part of the Christian journey.  They are always life-giving.

Lent is also an ideal time to restore the balance in our lives.  Virtue is the happy medium, the golden mean.  But the golden mean is hard to achieve. There is a tendency in human nature to over indulge, to develop addictions, to abuse our bodies, to become overly preoccupied with work, to neglect important relationships, to put too much emphasis on our material needs and not enough on our emotional and spiritual needs.  Lent provides us with an opportunity to get back to a healthy diet – a healthy diet of food, of exercise, of relaxation, of prayer.  Restoring the balance in our lives helps us to sort out our priorities, to decide what is good for us and what is not good for us.

Lent is the Christian fasting season which means that it should be focused on Jesus who is the Christ.   There is really only one yardstick with which to measure the success of our Lenten fasting: Does it help us to become more like Jesus?  The heart of Christianity is not a rule of law or a code of behaviour.  It is a Person whose love we receive and whose life we seek to imitate.  Ultimately, Lent is about Jesus.  It is about Jesus’ vision of life, his values and the building of his Kingdom in the world.  Therefore, the best type of fasting we can do in Lent is the fasting that helps us pay greater attention to Jesus and move closer to him.  To use the language of St Paul, the goal of Lent is to get rid of the ‘old man’ who is the selfish me and to put on the ‘New Man’ who is the loving Christ.

Climbing a Mountain

You may have had the experience of climbing a mountain.  Two things are helpful if you are to be a mountain climber.  The first has to do with determination.  Before you set off you have to make up your mind that, come what may, you are going to persevere until you reach the top.  Having a strong determination means that when you meet obstacles and difficulties you will be able to make the necessary sacrifices to overcome them.

The second thing that is helpful when you are climbing a mountain is the knowledge that a whole new vista opens up to you at the summit.  At the top of a mountain you experience a great sense of achievement and fulfilment.  But you also see the world below in an entirely new way.  Your view of the world is unimpeded, a full 360 degrees.  Indeed, on the mountaintop not only do you experience the world differently, you also experience yourself differently.  You feel good about yourself and who you are.

The season of Lent reminds us that the Christian life is a lot like climbing a mountain.  To live as a follower of Jesus we need a strong determination and a willingness to make sacrifices.  Living the Christian life can be quite demanding.  It challenges our tendency to indulge ourselves and it invites us to respond to others in a loving way.  Without a discipline of perseverance and generosity it is difficult to stay faithful to the way of Jesus.

Of course, like the journey up a mountain, the Christian journey also has a happy ending.  It leads to what we call resurrection.  At the end of our Christian pilgrimage in this world a whole new other world will be opened up to us.  We will see in a way we have never seen before.  We will see God face to face.  We will see ourselves reflected in God and we will also see other people reflected in God.  Indeed, we will find ourselves saying the same thing as Peter when he was enveloped by the presence of God on Mount Tabor: “Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here.  Let this be our home forever” (see Matthew 17:4).

What often helps mountain climbers persevere is an eye on the summit.  If they keep looking up to the mountaintop, the goal of their efforts, they are more likely to succeed in their climb.  Likewise, it is important for us as we struggle to remain faithful to the Gospel not to lose sight of the destination of our journey; heaven and a share in the risen life of Jesus.

A Programme for Lent

It is no secret that the religion of Jesus can be summed up in the word love.  In his Sermon on the Mount he focuses on three things which could be described as a practical programme to help us grow in love.  These are the three things the Christian Churches invite its members to practise in earnest each year during the season of Lent.  They could be described as the non-negotiable essentials of the Christian religion.  They are prayer, almsgiving and fasting. 

“When you pray, go to your private room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is in that secret place” (Matt 6:6).  What a beautiful and accessible description of the activity of prayer!  Spend time on your own with your Father. During this time thank him for his presence in your life and for looking after you.  Talk to him in a personal way about what is happening in your life.  Ask him for the things you need, especially the things you need to help you develop a loving heart.  And, perhaps most importantly of all, hear him tell you that he loves you unconditionally, as you are.  For Jesus prayer is nothing more and nothing less than our personal act of surrender to the Father; to the Father’s love, to his help, to his healing. 

Perhaps the thing we most associate with Lent is fasting.  Jesus understood the value of fasting and promoted it in his teaching.  He knew there is a tendency in human nature towards attachment and addiction that is not healthy and balanced. Jesus wants us to keep our hearts mellow and grateful.  To keep our hearts mellow and grateful it is not enough to give up things like sweets and alcohol. We need to control our desire for possessions, power and popularity. As Jesus himself discovered during his retreat in the desert these are potent demons in the human heart that need to be tamed. Fasting is unfashionable today.  Yet never has it been so necessary.  In the so-called first world which is mainly nominally Christian we are now the most indebted, obese, addicted and medicated generation in history.  Jesus’ teaching on fasting has the power to improve our health, our relationships and our environment. 

The third thing the Lenten season invites us to practise is almsgiving.  Jesus insisted that we care for those in need and that we do this without looking for a reward. We can look at almsgiving in the specific sense of offering practical help to those who are hungry or homeless or without clothes. But we also need to look at it in the much broader sense of our attitude to life.  Our lives are not just about ourselves and our own needs.  Our lives are for others too.  When we serve others we are making a difference to their lives. We are also making a difference to our own.  It is a truth that unless and until we give our lives away to others we do not seem to have them ourselves at any deep level.

Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday the annual Christian fasting season, known as Lent, begins.  Most world religions have an annual fasting season.  The Christian one lasts for forty days and significantly coincides with spring.  There are many reasons why it is good for Christians to have the fasting season of Lent.  Here are a few.

Lent offers us an opportunity to start again, to make a new beginning.  Failing and falling are part of the human condition.  In the Christian view of life, failing and falling should never be a cause for despondency or despair.  The God of Jesus is a God of abundant mercy and radical forgiveness, a God who wipes out past failures and invites us to make a fresh start.  We should never be reluctant to begin again.  Indeed, our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail. New beginnings are a necessary part of the Christian journey.  They are always life-giving.

Lent is also an ideal time to restore the balance in our lives.  Virtue is the happy medium, the golden mean.  But the golden mean is hard to achieve. There is a tendency in human nature to over indulge, to develop addictions, to abuse our bodies, to become overly preoccupied with work, to neglect important relationships, to put too much emphasis on our material needs and not enough on our emotional and spiritual needs.  Lent provides us with an opportunity to get back to a healthy diet – a healthy diet of food, of exercise, of relaxation, of prayer.  Restoring the balance in our lives helps us to sort out our priorities, to decide what is good for us and what is not good for us.

Lent is the Christian fasting season which means that it should be focused on Jesus who is the Christ.   There is really only one yardstick with which to measure the success of our Lenten fasting: Does it enable us to become more like Jesus?  To use the language of St Paul, the goal of Lent is to get rid of the ‘old man’ who is the selfish me and to put on the ‘New Man’ who is the loving Christ.  Ultimately, Lent is about Jesus, not about us.  It is about Jesus’ vision of life, his values and the building of his Kingdom in the world.  Therefore, the best type of fasting we can do in Lent is the fasting that helps us to pay greater attention to Jesus and move closer to him.