From Duty to Encounter

It is not a good thing to put people on a pedestal. We are all weak, limited, imperfect and fickle.  We cannot not disappoint one another.  To expect too much from other human beings is to set ourselves up for constant disappointment.

It is the same with institutions.  If we put too much trust in institutions we are going to be let down.  In recent times we have seen how self-serving all the big institutions are.  The flaws of our politicians, our bankers and our church leaders have been exposed often dramatically and with devastating consequences.  No wonder so many people in our society seem to lack any kind of moral compass.

When it comes to the institution of the church it is important for us to realise that the church is not an end in itself but a means to an end.  The primary reason the church exists is to bring people into a relationship with God.  Our deepest belonging is to God.  This means that our security is to be found in the relationship God has with us not in the institutional life of the church.  People are often attracted to the church because they believe it will give them the certainty they crave.  Those who seek certainty in institutional religion have a tendency to cling to every detail of church teaching and practice.  No institution including the church can provide us with absolute certainty. Indeed, the desire for certainty can prevent us from putting our faith in a loving and dependable God.

To mature in our faith we must move from institutional belonging to encounter.  It is not enough for us to say that we belong to the church.  This will only satisfy some of our needs.  Sooner or later we must have an encounter with God.  An encounter with God is a uniquely personal experience and it helps us to take possession of the relationship God has with us.  Only a relationship with God can nourish the deeper longings in the human heart. An adult Christian is one who has encountered God and who finds love and security in a living relationship with God.

It is an encounter with God that brings us into the mystical stage of religion.  In the mystical stage of religion we know that we are loved unconditionally and that we have nothing to fear.  This is the stage when we discover that God is our rock, refuge and strength.  It is also the stage when we surrender and trust at deeper levels. Ultimately we must live by faith.  To live by faith is to anchor our lives in God in the sure knowledge that God who is relentless affection is totally faithful to us.