Seven Demons

Because of the human condition we are prone to compulsive behaviour.  Indeed our compulsive behaviour can become addictive.  In the scriptures our addictions are often referred to as demons.  There are demons operating in our lives seeking to control and imprison us.  Jesus suggests that these demons may be legion.  Here let me focus on seven all of which begin with the letter P.  Seven is a significant biblical number and alliteration can help us to remember.

Possessions:  I need to own things, plenty of things.  I believe that the more things I have the more secure I will be.  Possessions are my way of filling the emptiness I feel inside. Because of this I shop, I consume, I buy things I do not need, I waste money.  The allure of possessions prevents me from saying, ‘I have enough.’

Power: I need to be in charge and in control.  I want to be the one who is making the decisions.  My hunger for power makes me ambitious, even ruthless.  Because of it I can walk over people and use them for my own advantage.

Pleasure: I invest too much time and energy in the things that give me pleasure – TV, sport, alcohol, music, computer games, the internet , my mobile phone .…  I see life as having a good time.  It is about fun and games.  Pain is to be avoided, so is sacrifice. I use people for my enjoyment.

Productivity: I need to achieve and be productive.  I always have to be doing something useful.  In fact, I only feel good about myself when I am busy.  If I have nothing to do I feel restless, even guilty.  My obsessive need to be productive can turn me into a workaholic.

Popularity: It is important for me to be popular, to have people like me, to be highly thought of.  I am constantly trying to please other people.  I am all things to all men and women.  I have no mind of my own, no identity of my own.  I get my identity from making other people happy.   

Presentation:  I am overly preoccupied with my image, my appearance and the way I look.  I need to live in the right location and drive the best car.  I will not appear in public unless I look presentable.   I diet and exercise not because this is healthy but because having a good figure will gain me the affirmation and approval of others. In fact, it is only by appearing attractive that I can feel good about myself.

Prestige: My status in life is a big thing.  I need to have a good reputation. I like to be associated with people who are well known or rich or powerful.  Being around people who are important makes me feel important.  Associating with people who are famous helps me to feel good about myself. The esteem associated with my job, my wealth, my friends is necessary for my own self- esteem.